Anyone who has a trackmania server, and add tracks on a regular basis, known the problem that come with that. Many tracks have a really odd file name and sometimes is impossible to have any clue what is that track.
To solve this problem, there is a new command, called:
- /rename tracks
It will scan all gbx files on the server tracks folder and rename the file in the format:
- Environment[author] - Track name.Challenge.Gbx
This will make a lot of server admins, really happy! :)
Since it will open all the track files to extract that information, depending on how many tracks are on the server tracks folder, this can take a couple of minutes. Another warning, this command will make TRUCK to become unresponsible during the operation. So, use it with caution.
It will also change the match settings to reflect the new filenames, so using the /save command it's recommended.
BTW, now the zip file comes with a manual in PDF format, to explain much more than the old readme.txt file.
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