Monday, August 16, 2010

Speed optimizations

I got some spare time this weekend and i made some internal speed optimizations and found a bug that may be the responsible for the disconnection on servers with many players.

Unfortunatelly there is no new feature, but i hope it stop being disconnected by some servers.

You can download the latest version of TRUCK from HERE.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Donations and Chat filter

Finally some news again. =)
  • TRUCK can now connect to remote servers
  • Chat filter to moderate the chat
  • Donations for the server

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Changing languages

Some players have their game in english but they just known the basics or nothing of english at all.

Since TRUCK select the language based on that, some players complain that they can not read english and want the messages in another language.

Now the players have the freedom of choose the language their prefer (from the languages available).

As always, is very easy to change this. Type /lang on chat, or use the menu / your language and a window will appear, with the available languages. Just click on your language of choice and you are done.

You can download the latest version of TRUCK from HERE.

Also, in this version Dedimania and Local records generate messages about new best times.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Color codes

Probably one of the most common questions of the new players are about how to add color do their nick names.

To help them out, I created a new window, where the players can play with the colors and get the correct code of the desired color.

Is very easy, the player can just move the color bars, or click over one of the colors, and continue to adjust it with the color bars.

As usual, you can download the latest version from my syte.

And now the menu items can also be translated.

Thanks Maau for the latest spanish translation files!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dedimania for laps mode

Finally, the dedimania module is working in Laps mode. Since in this mode Dedimania only accepts the best lap time registered as time attack, and there was a need to handle the laps mode for best lap, and last lap events, a new module was created to handle laps mode and also multilap tracks in other modes (except time attack)

Now, TRUCK will send chat messages about your lap time and best time of the race. Also it will show when you or another player started the final lap.

Fixed some bugs when changing the server game mode.

You can download the latest version HERE

Monday, June 14, 2010

Server Tips

Now TRUCK has a new module to send chat messages at regular intervals. It comes with some pre configureted messages, but the admins can add new ones with:
  • /tip message
Admins can also change the order or remove any of them.
The players can see all the messages if they want, using the Menu, or typing:
  • /tips

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Window Skins!

Dedicated server owners always want to make their servers unique. Now they can customize any window in Truck.

Each window have their own set of visual parameters, so you can for example have the main window with a background image, and the medals window with another one, or just to define a custom color for the background.

The same applies for the each window caption background.

The best of all, that is very easy to do that. Right click on the module that manage the window you want to change and choose configure.

The changes are imediate when you click OK and will update all open windows. So if you have the window open in game, you will see the changes.

When dealing with images, the client will need to download it first and the game will not imediate show the changes, so you will need to make a respawn to update.

As usual, you can download the latest version from my syte.

Happy customizing!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Renaming Track files

Anyone who has a trackmania server, and add tracks on a regular basis, known the problem that come with that. Many tracks have a really odd file name and sometimes is impossible to have any clue what is that track.

To solve this problem, there is a new command, called:

  • /rename tracks

It will scan all gbx files on the server tracks folder and rename the file in the format:

  • Environment[author] - Track name.Challenge.Gbx

This will make a lot of server admins, really happy! :)

Since it will open all the track files to extract that information, depending on how many tracks are on the server tracks folder, this can take a couple of minutes. Another warning, this command will make TRUCK to become unresponsible during the operation. So, use it with caution.

It will also change the match settings to reflect the new filenames, so using the /save command it's recommended.

BTW, now the zip file comes with a manual in PDF format, to explain much more than the old readme.txt file.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dedimania configuration

Some players asked me about how to configure the dedimania. Here is a screen to show how easy is to configure it. :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Public announced on TM-Forum

I think that the program is very stable and good enough to be announced on TM-Forum.

But just to make sure that people can use and configure it properly, I have implemented a way to edit each module parameters from the TRUCK main window. Now it's very easy to change any parameters of the modules, just right click over the module name and choose config.

A new window will open with the parameters of that specific module. No more need to search and edit the configuration files.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tracks manager

After 2 weeks without working on Truck, some great news:

  • Tracks manager, to remove or add new tracks to the server
  • Dedimania is now working in Rounds and Cup mode
The Tracks manager is like windows explorer, on the left side you can choose the folder, and on the right site you will see the tracks files.

Probably the next improvement will be some commands to download tracks from TM-X. As usual, you can download the latest version from my syte.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Finally, the new module for dedimania is working. That was something people was asking me to implement. It's not 100% finished, but works for time attack servers (majority of trackmania servers run in this mode).

The dedimania and local records panels still need to become more flexible with more options, but since I am short on time, they are good enough.

I also implemented an option to hide/show the dedimania and local records panels, the player just need to press F7.

As usual, you can download it from my site

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back on coding

Finally i got some spare time to code in TRUCK again, not much progress, but it's better than nothing.
  • Fixed ghost logins
  • Added support for plugin configuration files
  • New command: /check tracks (Check if server track files still exists)
  • Fixed Tracklist, the time of each medal (was showing only the gold time for most tracks)
  • Fixed Track Guru when computing each track points (internal calculation was bugged)
  • Hide manialinks when disconect from server
  • Some internal changes and fixes
And I finally started to work on the dedimania module. It's not available yet, but i hope do find time to finish it before the end of this week, at least a "read only" version for time attack servers.
As usual, you can download it at my site

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is T.R.U.C.K. MMX?

TRUCK it's a Trackmania dedicated server controller, and Trackmania is an amazing racing game produced by Nadeo. More information about Trackmania you can find on this link.

Trackmania servers alone, can't store the players records, but they allow you to connect a program to control the entire server, so records can be stored, tracks can be jukeboxed, administration functions become available and much more.

And this is exactly what TRUCK does, you connect it to your Trackmania server and it start storing players records for each track, along with many others administrative functions.

The following screenshots are from the game with TRUCK connected to the game server.

You can make the download on the oficial site: